If you are having problems printing a PDF file to a Toshiba printer, it might be because of the printer drivers that Toshiba uses.  You can change your Open with field to enable you to print your PDF files.

1. Right click on the specific PDF that your want to print.  (If you're using a track pad, click with two fingers.  If you're using a mouse without a right click key, hold down the control key and click.)

2. Select Get Info.

3. Click on the little arrow to the left of the Open with: section to expand that section.   Also open the Sharing & Permissions: section so that you will be able to open the lock to make changes.  If the lock is not open, click on it and enter your user account password to enable changes.

4. In the Open with: field, choose Preview from the drop-down menu instead of Adobe Reader.

5. Click on the lock again to apply and lock in the changes.

6. Close the window and re-open the file.

7. Select File, then Print.  Make sure to direct the print job to the Toshiba printer.