Bookmarking a website in Firefox

First make sure that your Menu bar and your Bookmarks toolbar are showing.   If they are not showing, right-click (or control-click if you don't have a right-click button on your mouse) at the top of the Firefox window and from the pop-up window click on each toolbar that you want showing.   As you click on each one, the pop-up window will close, so you'll have to right-click again for each menu to open the pop-up window.

1.  Click on Bookmarks in the Firefox menu bar.

2.   Click on Bookmark This Page in the Bookmarks menu.

3.  A window will pop up.  The Name field will be highlighted so you can just start typing whatever you want to name the bookmark.

4.  The default folder to put the bookmark in is the Bookmarks Menu.  If you just want the bookmark to appear in the Bookmark menu, press the Done button.  However, you can also choose to place the bookmark in the Bookmark Toolbar.   If you want to keep the bookmark showing there, in the Folder section, click on the little arrow directly following the words Bookmarks Menu. Choose the selection called Bookmarks Toolbar. (It might actually show as Bookmarks Tool..., depending upon your view.)

5. Click the Done button.  You now will have your bookmark showing in the toolbar for easy access.