There are several factors to consider before requisitioning a computer for a new hire:

  • Does the new hire have a desk? 
    The desk should be within reach of a power outlet and an Ethernet port.
  • Laptop or desktop? 
    Determine whether the new hire will be mobile or working primarily in the office.
  • Which operating system? 
    IT deploys Windows computers unless the job requires software that only runs on a Mac.The decision of which operating system to use should be predicated on the technology needs of the job, rather than the user's preference.
  • Previously used computer? 
    If the new hire is taking over someone's existing computer, it is the supervisor's responsibility to determine what happens to the existing data. Action should be taken to transfer this data if necessary, otherwise risk the possibility of losing the data.
  • Software requests? 
    Every computer that is deployed comes with a standard suite of programs. IT will make every effort to fulfill special software requests provided we own the license.
  • Ergonomic requests? 
    Ergonomic requests need to be submitted to Human Resources for review.
  • How does the new hire get their computer?

If the new hire will be using a desktop computer, IT will deliver the desktop, or go to the office to update the existing computer, capture date (if necessary) and set up the new hire's profile. If a new hire will be using a laptop, it is the responsibility of the department to pick up the new laptop when IT lets them know that it is ready. If the new hire will be using a laptop that was used by the previous employee, it is the responsibility of the department to bring that laptop to IT so that the data can be captured (if necessary), updates run and the new hire's profile set up on the laptop. Once the laptop is ready, it will be the responsibility of the department to pick up the laptop.